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Energy activation is a powerful method that can help you unlock your full potential, achieve your goals, and shine your inner light to everyone you meet. This simple but unique technique is based on the idea that everything in the universe is made up of energy, and by tapping into this energy, you can transform your life in incredible ways.

Through Energy Activation, you can learn to harness the power of the universe and use it to manifest your desires. By focusing your intention and directing your energy toward your goals, you can create the life you want and achieve success which is your birthright.

Whether you're looking to improve your health, boost your career, or find love and happiness, Energy Activation can help you get there. All you need to know and understand is already within you. You just need to turn your gaze inward to harness your full potential. Energy Activation is your tool for that. 

The first part of Energy Activation Method is Chakrapolku®


Energy Activation with Mervi Enqvist


Meet Mervi Enqvist, a creator of Energy Activation (EAM), a Kundalini Yoga teacher with nearly 25 years of experience. Over the decades, Mervi has guided countless individuals on their spiritual journeys, helping them unlock their inner potential and find balance through the ancient practice of Kundalini Yoga.

In addition to being a dedicated yoga instructor, Mervi is a prolific author, having published six insightful self-help books that inspire and empower readers to lead more fulfilling lives. These books cover a wide range of topics, from personal growth and mindfulness to the transformative power of spirituality and the ancient wisdom traditions.

Mervi is also a documentary filmmaker, renowned for her impactful documentaries. With a keen eye for storytelling and a deep commitment to social issues, Mervi has written and directed powerful films such as Boys of Bensonhurst Brooklyn, War/Peace and Power of the People.

As a committed lightworker, Mervi dedicates her life to spreading light and positivity, helping others to heal and grow. With a unique blend of wisdom, creativity, and compassion, Mervi is a beacon of inspiration for all those seeking to elevate their lives and connect with their higher selves.

Read my story



You will get:
  • Eight high-quality instructional Kundalini Yoga videos.
  • Weekly lecture related to the chakra of the week. 
  • Tips for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Writing tasks for self-realization. 
  • Weekly nutritional tips based on chakras.
  • Weekly affirmation to guide you into a deeper understanding of yourself. 
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You'll learn:
  • How to strengthen your nervous system with breathing exercises.
  • How to help your body heal from long-term stress. 
  • How to turn a mindset of scarcity into one of opportunity and growth.
  • How to live a balanced life in the constantly changing, unpredictable world.  
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With this course, you can:
  • Untie yourself from the memories that are holding you from moving forward in life.
  • Heal your body and mind with breathwork and meditation.
  • Connect with your body and rejuvenate through kundalini yoga and conscious living. 
  • Strengthen your intuition and reconnect with your soul. 
Learn more

Mervi is an explicit teacher. The saying "say it straight, simple and with a smile", fits perfectly to her.

Anu-Mari Karlsson

Janina Viljanen

Mervi's style of teaching as well as her presence creates secure atmosphere even with deeper themes. I appreciate her gentleness, authenticity and honesty.

Mervi's style of teaching as well as her presence creates secure atmosphere even with deeper themes. I appreciate her gentleness, authenticity and honesty.

Janina Viljanen

Mervi has a lot of experience and knowledge in her field, which she shares with wisdom, kindness and professional attitude.

Anna Magnusson


8-viikon Chakrapolku®

Chakrapolku® - on löytöretki itseen, oman voiman, luovuuden sekä rauhan löytämiseen kundaliinijoogan, meditaation sekä hengitysharjoitusten avulla. Kahdeksan viikon ajan tutkimme itseämme, opimme löytämään niitä asioita, joista iloitsemme ja katkaisemaan energisiä siteitä siihen mikä vielä estää meitä liikkumasta kohti omia unelmia.

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5-viikon Tie tasapainoon

Tie tasapainoon on toinen mutta itsenäinen osa EAM menetelmää, jossa yhdistyvät kundaliinijooga, mindfulness harjoitukset ja keho-mieli-sielu yhteys mikä ohjaa kohti sisäistä ja ulkoista tasapainoa. Kurssi ohjaa numerologian avulla tutkimaan omaa menneisyyttä, tätä hetkeä sekä tulevaisuutta jota parhaillaan rakennamme. 

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Aktivoi vaurauden magneetit

Osallistu haasteeseen ja tule mukaan 21-päivän vaurausmatkalle! Matkan aikana saat ohjausta ja työkaluja sekä yhteisön tuen. Jo kolme viikkoa auttaa istuttamaan uuden harrastuksen omaan arkeesi. Harrastus joka auttaa kehoa ja mieltä eheytymään sekä avautumaan vastaanottavaksi kaikelle sille mistä unelmoit. 

Aloita nyt



Chakrapolku® is an eight week online course comprising three vital steps on your journey toward spiritual growth:

  • Shadow Work: We release what no longer benefits us. Through breathing techniques, we learn a gentle method to clear blockages in both the mind and body.
  • Expanding Consciousness: We delve into the energy surrounding and residing within our physical selves. We acquire the skills to direct our energy towards enhanced health and well-being.
  • Knowledge of the Heart: We navigate the journey back to our heart, our true home. We train our mind to listen the heart's guidance. The heart leads, and the mind acts as its supportive aide.
Start the online course in ENGLISH


EAM will be released as a book in October 2024! OPEN TO YOUR INNER LIGHT (Viisas elämä) is a three-phase self-help guide that helps you how to return to your center. 

The book’s first part guides you into shadow work, to release anything unneeded with the use of the Chakrapolku® method. The second section teaches how to balance mind, body, and spirit. The final phase of the book is Heart Meditation, which helps return to one's center, understanding kundalini light within your heart.

(All black-and-white pictures on this site are from this new book. Pictures by Julia Alakulju.)

Pre-order the book in Finnish

Kundaliinijooga Helsinki was established in 2015 and has operated as a physical location under the leadership of Mervi Enqvist. Starting in August 2024, the school will transition to an online platform, thus becoming accessible to a global audience.

Our mission continues to be to enlighten individuals about the LIGHT WITHIN, often referred to as KUNDALINI. This symbolizes our creative force, the fundamental power underpinning everything, and our connection to truth. It is the Source Energy. 

If you wish to attend to our online classes in English please contact us with your request. 

Online classes in Finnish will begin August 6th, 2024. 

Sign up to our ONLINE live classes in Finnish

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